SheerGuard Installation in Waterkloof Marina

SheerGuard Installation in Waterkloof Marina As SheerGuard specialists we often find ourselves in new developments, however, Waterkloof Marina stunned us with the biggest surprise we have ever had. The first time we spoke to the developers all that there was is large machines and a hole the size of a small mountain, little did we […]
Changing the Way the World sees Security

Changing the Way the World sees Security. For many years people have seen security as steel or aluminum jail-like bars over windows and doors to protect people from getting access to their safe havens from the outside. SheerGuard is as of now changing this perspective people have of security to a transparent security solution. The […]
The Secret behind SheerGuard Rivets

The Secret behind SheerGuard Rivets As you know, we have the strongest Clear Burglar Bars in the world (Also see article: Why should you choose Makrolon® Clear Burglar Bars?). For our Clear Burglar Bars to be the strongest they need to have the strongest possible fasteners. SheerGuard’s secret fasteners are triple compressed, stainless-steel, tamper-proof rivets. […]
Why should you choose SheerGuard ?

Why should you choose SheerGuard ? SheerGuard is a family of franchises all over South-Africa, Namibia and Botswana that strive to change people’s perspective on security. We at SheerGuard would like the world to realise that your security solutions do not have to compromise the appearance of your home to ensure safety; but rather it […]
Hoekom moet ek SheerGuard se Deurskynende Diefwering kies?
SheerGuard se Deurskynende Diefwering is baie uniek vir sy soort, nie net omdat dit deurskynend is nie maar ook omdat dit bestaan van ‘n uiterse sterk material genaamd; Makrolon Polycarbonate. SheerGuard gebruik hierdie spesifieke material as diefwering omdat die impak weerstand wat die material bied groter is as die van staal. 5mm in dikte Polycarbonate […]
Deursigtige Diefwering

Deursigtige Diefwering Sheerguard Pretoria Oos het onlangs die Equestria Lentedag funksie bygewoon om inwoners aan ons Sheerguard Deursigtige Diefwering voor te stel. Die dag was n groot sukses en inwoners en gaste wat bygewoon het was be-indruk met die deursigtige diefwering, met n 3000kg breekkrag en die aantreklike voordeel dat die beskerming teen inbrekers nie […]